Runescape – Mithril Dragons Guide


– You must be able to get in the Ancient Cavern after passing a certain stage in the Barbarian Training.
– 100+ combat is advised.
– Either high (80+ will do) melee or high (80+) ranged.
– 43 Prayer

Recommended Levels (minimum, best is 99 of course):

Melee: 80 attack, 80 strength, 75 defence, 80 hitpoints, 70 ranged, 70 prayer.

Ranged: 40 defence, 85 ranged, 44 prayer.

68+ Summoning is very useful, making trips longer.

Item Requirements:

– Decent mage defence (black hides, karil, armadyl)
– Antifire shield/Dragonfire shield

Recommended items:

– Prayer Potions
– Super/Extreme Melee Set(s)
– Sharks
– Unicorn Stallion Pouch + scrolls, or Fire/Moss/Ice Titan with Titan’s Constitution Scroll, or a Bunyip.
– Anti Fire potion
– Games Necklace

The Gear when Melee-ing for your slayer task:

Mithril Dragon Killing Melee Style

Mithril Dragon Killing Melee Style

This is pretty much the best you can have.


Neitiznot when not on your task.

Armadyl Chestplate > Karil Leathertop > Black/God d’hide body

Bandos Tassets ~ Armadyl Plateskirt > Karil Leatherskirt > Black/God d’hide chaps

Fury > God Stole > Glory

Ardougne Cape 3(+elite) > Skillcape (t) > Skillcape (u) > Legends cape
Dragonfire Shield (DFS) > Anti-dragon shield

Leaf-bladed Sword > Whip* –> This is just my preference, as Leaf Bladed Swords have a stab option and supposedly, Mithril Dragons are weak to stab attacks.

Dragon Boots ~ Infinity Boots ~ Ranger Boots > Climbing Boots –> Dragon Boots, Infinity Boots and Ranger Boots all have their up- and downsides. If you have one of the three, just use the pair you have.

Barrow Gloves > Dragon Gloves > Dragon Gauntlets

Berserker Ring ~ Archers’ Ring ~ Seers Ring ~ Warrior ring –> Seeing Mithril dragons use three styles, any of these rings will do. Otherwise, use a Ring of Life if you don’t feel comfortable with the more expensive rings.


At 92 prayer and maxed melee, I use 6 Prayer potions (4) and 1 Extreme Melee set (3) or 2 Super Melee sets (4) for about 9 kills. It’s advised to go by trial and error. Take about this amount at first, see how many kills you’ll be able to get. When you know what’s missing or too much, you can adapt your inventory to your needs.

If you have a Unicorn Stallion or a Moss/Ice/Fire Titan, take about 100 scrolls. It’s more than enough, but it’s a bit annoying when you need to kill one more Mithril dragon and you’re out of food and scrolls.

When you’re taking a Bunyip, take more food (Sharks/Pineapple Pizza’s) and no scrolls, as Mithril dragons won’t drop raw food.

1 Antifire (3) or (4) is enough when using melee on your task. I have NOT tried super antifire potions, I doubt it’ll make a big difference.

Dragon Mace is one of the best special attack weapons against Mithril Dragons. Feel free to try other weapons, I suggest Dragon Mace, as you can hit almost/up to 60 with D mace when on task, after potting, using Piety.

The Gear when Ranging

Mithril Dragon Killing Range Style

Mithril Dragon Killing Range Style


Focus Sight addition to Slayer helmet > Armadyl Helmet > Karil Coif > God Coif > Neitiznot

Armadyl Body and skirt> Karil top and skirt > Black/God d’hide body and chaps
Fury > God Stole > Glory

Dragonfire Shield (DFS) > Anti-dragon shield

Ava’s Accumulator > Ava’s Attractor –> You’ll end up shooting a lot of bolts. Walking around without something from Ava will end up in you wasting bolts, or prayer doses.

Diamond Bolts (e) > Broad Bolts ~ Ruby Bolts (e) > Emerald Bolts (e)

Dragon Boots ~ Infinity Boots ~ Ranger Boots > Climbing Boots –> Dragon Boots, Infinity Boots and Ranger Boots all have their up- and downsides. If you have one of the three, just use the pair you have.

Barrow Gloves > Dragon Gloves > Dragon Gauntlets

Archers’ Ring > Seers Ring > Berserker Ring ~ Warrior Ring –> Seeing you’re ranging mithril dragons, an Archers’ Ring is the best in this position.


At 92 prayer and 94 ranged, you’ll need about 5 prayer potions (4) and 3 ranging potions (3) or 1 extreme ranging (4) and 2 antifire (3) for 9 kills. It’s advised to go by trial and error. Take about this amount at first, see how many kills you’ll be able to get. When you know what’s missing or too much, you can adapt your inventory to your needs.

If you have a Unicorn Stallion or a Moss/Ice/Fire Titan, take about 100 scrolls. It’s more than enough, but it’s a bit annoying when you need to kill one more Mithril dragon and you’re out of food and scrolls.

When you’re taking a Bunyip, take more food (Sharks/Pineapple Pizza’s) and no scrolls, as Mithril dragons won’t drop raw food.

Seeing you’d want to stay away from the dragon’s melee attacks, it’s advised to take an (enhanced) Excalibur. Feel free to try other weapons to spec. with.

NOTE: You CAN! take a filled Bull Ant/Terrorbird/Tortoise/Pack Yak/other familiar from outside. Due to the new fairy ring and the ferocious ring, it is possible to enter with a familiar.

How to get there (The Old Way):

Teleport to Barbarian Outpost with your Games Necklace.

Bank your Games Necklace inside Barbarian Assault, if it didn’t turn to dust.

Walk back to the teleport spot again, then walk south to the pier.

Jump into the whirlpool (This picture shows how the game is glitched, but this is the location)

How To Get To Mithril Dragons

How To Get To Mithril Dragons

When you get in, you’ll see this:

Inside The Mithril Dragon Lair!

Inside The Mithril Dragon Lair!

Get prepared to fight from now on.

Take a sip of your antifire potion now. You can also take a sip of your super/extreme melee set now, if you want to focus on the fight.

Put Protect from Magic on.

Go down the stairs. You’ll see some Brutal Green Dragons and most likely a few Waterfiends. Run north until you see the stairs in the wall.

How to get there (Ferocious Ring):

Use your Ferocious Ring to teleport to Kuradal. Take a sip of antifire, put Protect from Mage on and climb down the rough hewn rocks.

Run north-east towards the stairs. While you’re running, start potting.

How to get there (Fairy Ring):

Same as with the Ring. You take a sip of antifire right before you use the ring with the code BJQ, put Protect from Mage on and start running and potting.


Climb up the stairs. As you do, put Protect from Melee and Piety (if you can) on.
Take your sip of your super/extreme melee set now, if you didn’t do that before.
Summon your familiar now, this is the best moment to do so.

Grab your special attack weapon and spec it four times. Proceed using your original weapon. Keep your prayer up. If you are clicking on your food and/or scroll-option regularly, you might forget about the prayer potion. This can end up in you either wasting a lot of food, or in the worst case even dying.

Watch your HP, keep it close to its maximum without wasting food/scrolls.
For instance, when you’re on 75/92 Hitpoints, don’t use a shark, but use a familiar scroll.

When the Mithril Dragon dies, put Piety/Turmoil off, keep Protect from/Deflect Melee on. Trust me, the few prayer points used while waiting for the spawn are worth it. When it spawns, and instantly combo’s you for a 25-18 with melee and mage, you’ll have to use more than you want.

While you’re waiting for the spawn, take another sip of your Super Melee set. It is very useful to stay on the limit of your levels, so the kills will be quicker. When you’re using Extreme Melee sets, take a sip when your attack falls below 119-120 when you’re 99.
You can also take another sip of Prayer Potion if your prayer is low, but don’t waste any.

As soon as the dragon spawns again, put Piety/Turmoil on again and start fighting it.
Keep repeating this, your task will be over in no-time.

Take a sip of antifire potion whenever the message says: Your protection against dragonfire has ran out.


Climb up the stairs. As you do, put Protect from/Deflect Missiles and Eagle Eye/Leech Ranged (if you can) on.

Take your sip of your (extreme) ranging potion now, if you didn’t do that before.
Summon your familiar now, this is the best moment to do so.

Keep your prayer up. If you are clicking on your food and/or scroll-option regularly, you might forget about the prayer potion. This can end up in you either wasting a lot of food, or in the worst case even dying.

Watch your HP, keep it close to its maximum without wasting food/scrolls.

For instance, when you’re on 75/92 Hitpoints, don’t use a shark, but use a familiar scroll.

When the Mithril Dragon dies, put Eagle Eye/Leech Ranged off, keep Protect from/Deflect Missiles on.

While you’re waiting for the spawn, take another sip of your ranging potion. It is very useful to stay on the limit of your levels, so the kills will be quicker. When you’re using extreme ranging potions, take a sip when your ranged falls below 115 when you’re 99.
You can also take another sip of Prayer Potion if your prayer is low, but don’t waste any.

As soon as the dragon spawns again, put Eagle Eye/Leech Ranged on again and start fighting it.

Keep repeating this, your task will be over in no-time.

Take a sip of antifire potion whenever the message says: Your protection against dragonfire has ran out.

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One thought on “Runescape – Mithril Dragons Guide”

  1. Thank you for this guide buddy. Exactly what I was looking for and couldn’t seem to find anywhere else! Very helpful.

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