“Boxes” for Portable Deposit Box locations (On DXP)
“Chase Trees” or “Evil Tree FC”- for Evil Trees
“Harmed Ore” – for Harmonised Ore locations
“NemiForest” – for 9/9 Nemi Forests
“Portables” – for Portable skilling locations
“TH Trade” for trading for Skilling Outfits
“Tree Hunt” – for Crystal Tree locations
“Star Find” – for Shooting Stars
“Soulobby” – for Soul Obelisk Locations (Menaphos)
“Ba Teams” for Barbarian Assault Games
“Goldtrimmers” for Castle Wars Games(Afk)
“ConquestChat” – for Conquest Games
“demonmobs fc” for Demon Flash Mob locations
“Free Leech” for free leeching of Dungeoneering floors
“Hybrid Top” – for Fight Pit Games
“2FlingFish” – for Fish Flingers
“Minigames” – for Mazcab Supply Runs
“GOP Addict” for Great Orb Project Games
“Heist4Fun” – for Heist Games
“World60pengs” or “W60 Find Pen” for Penguin Hunting
“Fast SC” for Stealing Creation (Non-Combat)
“Bafcw” or “CWANS” for Soul Wars Games
“vis wax fc” for Vis Wax Combinations
Price Checking:
“90weaps pc” for price checkingT90+ Weapons
“R Quark” for price checking Rares
“TH Rares PC” for Treasure Hunter/SOF price checking
PVM / Teaching:
“AoDTeams” to find teams for Angel of Death
“NexAoD” for Angel of Death Masses
“Boss School” or “PvMing FC” for teaching / finding teams
“Casual KK” for smaller Kalphite King teams
“lskk247” for Lootshare Kalphite King
“duck hunters” for Megaduck pet chance
“Raid FC” for raids
“Teachingrots” for learning / making teams for Rise of the Six
“Rago PVM” for Vorago Masse