Hello and welcome to my guide on brewing your own beer. I’ve found it to bring in a fair bit of money for very little effort. Once finished you sell these at the GE for max. They’re highly sought after by herbalists who don’t bother wasting their money training, or wasting their time raising their stats with evil stews. I’d time how long this task takes, but you could just take my word for it. If you take longer than 8mins all up you’re doing something wrong.
You’ll also get cooking xp from this, a whole 281xp per brew. And you can do roughly one sometimes even two brew runs per week, 2 each run. Golly, imagine how much xp you’d get in a year!!
How to start:
Bottom line, you need to quest.
Do these:
Between a Rock… – Free access to Keldagrim
Ghosts Ahoy – Free access to Port Phasmatys
Cabin Fever – Access to Mos Le’Harmless
Level reqs:
29 Cooking (gasp!)
And whatever the quests above require
Items needed
Items needed to brew
So what’s this “stuff”, what makes them think it deserves a title like “The”? Why not “Mr Stuff”? Can I skip getting it?
Sadly no you can’t. It’s obtained as a reward from the Trouble brewing mini game. In short annoy the group chat when there is greater that 6 people in it.
I’m also assuming you’ve already got brews on, ready to be collected. If you don’t forget the glasses and it’s 4 barley malt, 4 buckets of water instead of 2.
First brew kit:
Start at the GE, along the west wall you’ll find a trap door. Go down and travel to Keldagrim. From where your cart docks, run north to the pub.
How to get to Keldagrim and brew
First add the water, then the barley, THEN THE STUFF! Don’t skip this as you’ll have to drain it and start again. Next add the harralanders. Now you need yeast.
Here’s how you get it:
How to get pot of yeast to brew
Not feeling stupid bringing those coins now, eh?
Add it finally and your brew will start to ferment. Use your pot on the dwarf again to refill your pot with yeast.
Second brew kit:
Stop your dillydallying and use your ectophial to teleport to Port Phasmatys. Run south through the gate, then SE past the pub (unless it’s your first time) to the bank. Spam-click your way through pointless dialogue to open your bank account, take out another 2 barley malt, 8 glasses and run back NW to the pub. Go down to the trapdoor once there.
How to get to Port Phasmatys brewing place
First add the water, then …read the section above?
For those who only have access to Port Phasmatys, well you only get half the profit. You’ll also need a Ghostspeak amulet and 10 ectotokens for yeast here?
Step3: ???. Step 4: Profit!
Each brew location you visit gets you 8 glasses or two kegs. So you visit both Keldagrim and Port Phasmatys to get 16 glasses or 4 kegs.
Profit from brewing
Remember you’re doing this twice. Mm, twice.
Q. How long does the brew process take?
A. Varies lots, and I’m positive that’s because the duration has been updated several times. Just check every 3-4days (I keep a reminder in my notes), if it’s not done after that check once a day until it is and then tell me how long it took you.
Q. Will calquat kegs work just as well?
A. Glasses for now still get a good profit. I’ve been keeping an eye on kegs and very soon they will be the way to go instead.
Q. Where do you get supplies?
A. Barley either still does or used to sell instantly in the GE, glasses are infinite supply from Sorceress’ shelf in Al Kharid. Can run back at forth between there and the Shanty Pass chest and stock up. Buckets and pots from the general store. Gp was from begging…
Q. I looked at the GE graph and saw they crashed.
A. That’s not a question. Follow the graph and you’ll notice they got bought back up again and are still rising. Sometimes they sell instantly for min, sometimes max. You really worried about losing 20k?
Q. Dis woz our lil secrt, y ru telln ppl?!1
A. Shut up merchant, and stop ruining my game.