Classic Games – Dizzy prince of the Yolkfolk

Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk Loading Title Screen
Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk Loading Title Screen


Grand Dizzy was feeling very down one day, so Dizzy and Daisy decided to cheer him up by baking him his favourite food, cherry pie! So off went Daisy to get some cherries from her cupboard and there was none to be seen! “Pogie’s pinched the cherries!” she cried, as she saw Pogie’s pawprint in the cupboard, “That darned Fluffle. Come here you!” and Pogie promptly darted of into the enchanted forest to escape Daisy’s rage.

Dizzy and Daisy decided to go into the forest to catch Pogie and gather some more cherries at the same time.

Whilst searching for Pogie they got lost and found a castle, where they thought they would find help, but it seemed deserted. They looked in the castle for Pogie, but Daisy caught herself on a mystic spinning wheel. She started feeling really sleepy, so she found a bed and went to sleep.

“Wake up Daisy, wake up!” shouted Dizzy. But before he could wake her up, Rockwart the Troll caught him and locked him up underground!


Escape from cave, the easy bit !

Get pickaxe from by troll.

Get cage from by lion.

Get bridge kit.

Go down avoiding the bat then use pickaxe to break into cave.

Drop pickaxe.

Up, get gold.

Down, give gold to ferryman.

Dropcage by fluffle up, up, stand on edge of ledge and jump onto clouds and into the castle.

Get harp, jump across clouds to heaven and give harp to St.Peter.

Go back to fluffle, drop cheese in cage, pick up cage and take back to troll, drop cage, go into castle go up, up, get key, down get motor.

Back to ferryman give him motor, get scythe, go up trees and jump into castle again.

Use scythe on thorns, get bugle, up, unlock door with key, go across the top and get the tweezers.

Jump off edge then go back to lion and use tweezers, get thorn and go back to castle, go to doppelganger room, drop thorn and make doppelganger walk across thorn and die.

Get spanner and go left until you reach the bloke.

Give him the bugle and go left to where the troll used to be.

Go across upper bit and use spanner on drawbridge, go over drawbridge, see princess and get flag.

Go back across upper bit. Go up, put flag on flagpole.

Get knighted.

Go all the way back to daisy kiss her.


Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk Game Cover
Magicland Dizzy Game Cover

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