This guide is written for those poor noobs amongst us with hardly any rune sets as an easy way to make some cash.
The best place to kill blue dragons is in taverly dungeon.
How to get to the Taverly Dungeon
Once down the ladder you have 2 options;
Option 1:
You have 70 agility and go straight through the pipe:
The 70 agility pipe to blue dragons
Option 2:
You dont have 70 agility so you have to walk round (you will need a dusty key for the gate)
The long way round to blue dragons
Spirit terrorbird – holds 12 items
War tortiose – holds 18 items
Pack yak – holds 30 items
If you can use any of these it is wise to do so as in the long run it will add up alot.
You can wear rubbish gear here and its personal preference really but I generally just wear this:
Gear example for blue dragon killing
Wearing barrows here would be a waste but dfs/bandos would probaly be good.
Inventory example:
Gear example for blue dragon killing
I did 3 trips earlier using a pack yak and I came out with:
Blue Dragon Loot After Three Trips
Not bad for around 30-40 mins easy work.
current D bones prices:
Dragon Bones: 3,580gp 3,768gp 3,956gp
current blue dragonhide prices:
Blue Dragonhide: 2,175gp 2,290gp 2,405gp
This may not be a 20m armadyl hilt split but can be great for those people who any low on cash and dont have much time to play – you can also TRAIN RANGED here and help the cause for a greater range avg.